Email Etiquette

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Do’s and Don’ts for your professional emails

For most of us, email is a major part of our workday. Lack of proper email etiquette can sabotage your reputation both professionally and personally. In the evergoing hassle to work faster and efficiently simultaneously, we must not forget to adhere to certain rules that accompany any sort of communication.

Here we have listed a few pointers that you need to keep in mind so you put your best virtual-foot forward:

  • Clear Subject Line:

When there is a sea of emails to sort through, it is a huge possibility that your emails can be overlooked. But we absolutely cannot have that, can we? So, in order to make sure your email does not get mixed with all the ignored unread ones, make sure your subject line points out how exactly important that email is. Keep the subject line short, crisp, and to the point. Make sure it indicates exactly what is going to be covered in your email.

  • Salutations:

Salutations set the tone of the email. However, it also depends on the relationship you have with the person you are addressing it to. If it is someone you have never interacted with before, the more formal and crisp you keep it, the better.

  • Keep it as professional as possible:

As covered in the earlier point, it is important to set the tone of the email based on your relationship with the recipient, for someone who is unknown to you, a professional tone is more appropriate. Using ‘Hey’ or ‘Hiya’ isn’t professional, no matter how well you know the recipient. Use “Hi” or “Hello” instead.

  • Use correct grammar:

Incoherent sentences and incorrect spellings are a big No-No. Even if they are a genuine mistake or just the fact that you hurriedly mistyped, they tend to leave the wrong impression. Hook your computer with those helpful spell checkers and you won’t be stuck in an embarrassing email situation ever again.

  • Proofread:

I cannot possibly stress this enough. PROOFREAD your emails. Trust us that you absolutely do not want to come across as careless or sloppy. Accidentally sending an email to someone while it has been addressed to someone else entirely is mortifying. So let’s avoid that and proofread everything alright? Good.

  • Respond in a timely manner:

Nobody appreciates tardiness, it makes you come across as completely unprofessional. If you feel that you do not have the time to properly reply to the email, take out a few seconds to at least acknowledge it, making the sender know that you have received their email.

  • Signature:

Signatures are imperative as they tell the recipient who you are and how can you be contacted. Your signature should include your name, your designation, and based on your professional links to the sites associated with your job. Your signature can also include your Linkedin page for more information on your professional journey.

Well folks, we hope these tips will help you send professionally strong emails. Let us know in the comments as to what worked for you. See you on our next blog. Until then, Stay Home, Stay Safe

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