How to make yourself stand out through your CV
Why do we call CV making a ‘Lost Art’?
- As someone who goes through 50-100 CV’s on a regular basis, we assure you that a well planned, and crisp CV does make all the difference in the world.
- Think of your CV as the first impression that you make and we all know how important First Impressions are. If you want that Dream Job, you have to make sure you STAND OUT among hundreds of your fellow applicants.
- Now, don’t you worry, because we have got the ultimate cheat sheet for you?
The Holy Trinity:
A clean and crisp idea of your (Skill Set) + (Experience) + (Education) = Getting THE call, which eventually gets you THE Job.
How to Portray your Skill Set:
- Data Visualization! Trust us when we say that Data Visualization is the way to go.
- Rather than writing your skillset in a paragraph, use data visualization to show off your skills (that we are sure you worked so hard to excel in) in a more creative and crisp way. Give your skillset its well deserved moment in the spotlight!
Your Professional Journey:
- Walk the person through your professional journey by giving them a timeline they can trace easily.
- A well-created timeline with an equally thought out summary which includes relevant power words that describe the role you played is the key if you want to get hired.
The Alma Mater:
- Once again, a timeline is the best way to showcase your education.
- It keeps things simple and easy to refer to.
Tips and Tricks:
After covering the major guns, here are some other things you need to know for your CV to be the complete package:
- Ensure that everything you have listed on your CV correlates to the job that you are applying for.
- Your CV must not be more than 2 pages long. Repeat after Me: ‘MUST NOT BE MORE THAN 2 PAGES’. It’s a professional lookbook NOT a novel.
- Avoid having any misspelling or grammatical errors.
- Make sure to use a consistent color palette throughout your CV. Going too onboard with colors is a big No-no.
- Lastly, leave the reader wanting to know more about you, by including something that is unique and memorable.
That’s it, folks! Now all you need to do is use all these tips and tricks to create your perfect CV.
Later, you can go to our career page and apply for whichever amazing opportunity you think you are fit for and together we will make sure you get your dream job!
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